St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

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St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

Faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains.

St Mary's School Choir

KING GEORGE'S HALL - March 7th 2023!

Thank you to everyone who came to King George's Hall and supported the Choir and pupils from Year 3!! We all had a fabulous time on stage and hope that you did too!!  

Also, a big thanks to all the staff who gave up their time to support the children and make this trip possible!

Check out the pictures below!!



 Our Time To Shine - VOCAL TRACK.wavDownload
 Our Time To Shine.docxDownload
 The monsters' masquerade ball - Lyric Sheet.docxDownload
 The Monsters' Masquerade Ball - Vocal Track - RED .wavDownload
 Wellerman - VOCAL TRACK - Red.wavDownload
 Where roads come together - LYRIC VIDEO - Vocal.mp4Download
 Where Roads Come Together.docxDownload
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